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» Old Runescape is back for Free
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime5/28/2019, 3:00 pm by kutiepie

» knock knock? :)
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime5/27/2019, 3:25 pm by kutiepie

» Holypkerz World 2 Reboot!
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime6/19/2015, 2:32 pm by Johnplayers

» RSPS nearly dead?
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime4/19/2015, 6:55 am by Johnplayers

» Holy-Pkerz 4.0
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime8/28/2014, 11:45 am by Johnplayers

» Goodbye Guys :(
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime8/27/2014, 4:47 pm by Rage

» Its me, again
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime8/27/2014, 4:46 pm by Rage

» Hey all
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime5/28/2014, 1:23 am by Rage

» I am back
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime5/27/2014, 2:41 pm by Johnplayers

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Server Updates 11 Feburary, 2014
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime2/11/2014, 4:32 am by Rage
Hey guys, back again with a few updates.

- The store price of all barrows armor has been raised.  It's still low enough where a player might want to sell to another player rather than to the store.  Drop rate is still the same.
- The store price of all 3rd Age armor has been raised.

- Dharok's great axe has been given a significantly higher strength bonus to allow for higher …

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Comments: 5
Server Updates 2 Feburary, 2014
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime2/6/2014, 2:09 am by Rage
Hey everyone, I've been bullied by my staff into making some updates.

- The magic xp has been doubled until I can get around to adding auto casting.

- I've been informed that range is incredibly easy and have seen it for myself.  The range xp has been lowered to equal that of attack, strength, and defense.

- I've observed that cutting gems and making amulets takes way too …

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Comments: 3
Server Re-opening
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime1/20/2014, 2:48 pm by Rage
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I'll be opening up the server on Friday, January 31st.  The server will be turned on later in the afternoon, 3:00pm or 4:00pm PST cause that's when I get back from my class.  

I will be hosting 24/7 off my old laptop which I will use solely for hosting.  If the server still lags with that, then I might need to switch to weekends only on my new laptop …

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Week Long Session
HolyPkerz Forums - Portal I_icon_minitime8/11/2013, 3:26 am by Rage
Since my internet has been extra nice and not randomly going down every hour, I thought I'd try a week long session and see how it goes. Server will be up Monday 8/11 (whenever I wake up) - Monday 8/18 (around 1-3am PST).

I'll be posting us on mopar and runelocus. We'll be using what's completed of Zaku's client and what's completed of the server. I've been seeing a lot of Allstars going up …

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Comments: 12
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